Captain and Possum spent a delightful sun bathed afternoon with Mrs C. and her two munchkins. Thanks a heap, Mrs C!
I asked the children to tell me all about their adventures:
"First, we went into the bush and made two teepees, and pulled one down. We made them with sticks and paperbark, and then Mrs C. took photos of us. On the way back Captain and our two friends went walking on water, and I was waiting for them on the deck. After that we had an icy pole each. We made mud Easter eggs on the dirt pile. We had green jelly with lollies. When we first came we had a caramel Koala each, then we went home."
"First we caught a few chickens to hold. Big Foot (ginger coloured) and Princess (shiny blue black) followed us into the bush, so we had to chase them back to the house yard.
We made two teepees. One was about chest height, one was waist height. We dismantled one which we had made last Saturday (it was a bit crooked). This left us with four teepees, one for each of us to shelter from the wind. As well we like pretending to be Indians.
On the way back to the house we chased Big Foot again - this time off the pond. We trod on normal green grass that grew on top of the pond water. It felt like walking on the height of a wave.
Most of us got over the electric fence without touching it, even though we didn't know it was off. Possum stepped onto it with her shoes on, but she was touching the ground without a shock, so it must have been off.
After we came back to the house for our ice blocks, Mrs C. said we could play in their dirt pile. We made little waterfalls with water from the creek and small mud balls.
We all ate some of my mum's lovely jelly. It was time to go home, which was too bad."
Captain (with lots of editing from Mummy!!)
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