Friday, July 31, 2009

CS Lewis books

Earlier this month Captain picked up Prince Caspian off our bookshelf.
I said...'Stop', and purchased the first three in the Narnia series to complete our set.

He has since read
The Magician's Nephew...17-20 July
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe...20-24 July
The Horse and His Boy...25-27 July

and has now begun Prince Caspian.

I also managed to find another book in the Swallows and Amazons series, and he began Pigeon Post yesterday.


  1. You certainly have a reader there!! Good for Captain.

  2. Where are you? Have you given up blogland for ever?

  3. Hello Jeanne,
    I am taking a break from home education - 6 months so we can concentrate on major renovations at our place!
    I still read your blog - in fact it is the only blog I religiously follow, apart from the odd look into Enduring Prize. You inpsire me!
    God bless!
    Butter Fly
