Friday, January 24, 2014

Having Fun with Art and Milly Molly Me Etsy Shop Boho Cottage Chic Style

I love to experiment with colour and design. Here is an expression of my ideas.
And here is our brand new Etsy Shop! MillyMollyMe Etsy Shop

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our No-Knead Bread from New York Times

Here is the latest loaf - made a double batch. The cooking time was the same as a single batch, as we used the cast iron pot to bake it in. Yum! Lots of crunch. Loads of flavour. It always tastes best when left to sit for 18 hours, then left to rise a second time for 2 hours.

Roadside Treasures - Four Cane Chairs for a Revamp

Well, I thought these were worth a try. They are completely black with mould. I'll be scraping back the black with a Stanley knife, then rubbing over with sandpaper. And who knows, they may even wind up looking like these gorgeous white cane chairs as featured in Australian House & Garden, May 2012. A lick of white paint to finish them off, and walah!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Remembering Coonabarabran Christmas 2012

Vintage Pendant Light for Hallway

Excited about this gorgeous vintage find made in England.

Waiting for a Revamp - Retro Manila Style Cane Suite - 5 Strand

Oooh, this will suit the cottage near the sea style I am endeavouring to create inside and outside our home. I am considering recovering the seat upholstery in a neutral fabric, and adding some cheeky, bright and playful (perhaps tropical?) cushions for the finishing touch.

Addicted to Styling - This Time - Our Deck

Old Maid at the County Fair - A Card Game for Boys and Girls

These were handed down to me from my mother. Just had to share such a delightful set with you,from the Arrco Playing Card Co. There's definitely a few fond childhood memories here, playing this game with my family.