A dash to the show on Saturday was like taking a child to the world's most wonderful lolly shop, then leave with but one lick!
We had one and a half hours to pack in lunch, view our contributions to the Home Learner's Display, see the Taipan tail end of the reptile show, cuddle a chick, spy the winning show cats, view the puppies from a distance, just miss out on the working dog's workout, and round it off by one revolution on the ferris wheel. All of this fully complemented by the lemonade and sausage roll lunch tumbling in our tummies.
Phew! Glad that's over for a year.
Then it was on the go again, this time for a birthday party!
We were pretty pleased, though, to view the first prize pumpkin (Farmer Boy memories) and have the chance to ride a ferris wheel, reminiscent of our Charlotte's Web read aloud last year.
Captions for Photos:
Top: Possum's Watercolour Paintings, Rain, and Sunrise, on display
Bottom: Captain's first poem, ever, printed out, then framed, on display
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